Why use BEB Consultancy?

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We are qualified in Contract Law and individually regulated by the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEX)

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We have over 35 years’ relevant experience

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Our approach is personal and practical

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Our fees are affordable and always under a fixed price

When we prepare your Terms, Contracts or Agreements, we never use a standard format or copy and paste. We work closely with you to produce all documentation that is bespoke and specific to your industry and needs.

Not only do we protect your business, but we promote it too. All the agreements we produce are well-researched, easy to read and watertight, so they portray your business in the most positive and professional light possible. It could be the difference between you winning or losing that tender.

You’ll benefit from

Improved Cashflow
Fewer Debtors
Limitation of Liabilities
A More Confident Workforce
Creation of New Revenue Streams
A More Professional Image
Reduced Risk
Greater Security
Less Unpleasant and Expensive Conflict

“Terms & Conditions are just long and boring, no one ever reads them.”

Without applying any terms to your agreements or using generic templates that are not fully protecting you, you could lose thousands in unpaid invoices. Contractual disputes are often unpleasant and long but having one document can minimise the legal costs and problems that can arise.

With our help, you’ll relax in the knowledge that the relationship between you and your clients is watertight.

Bespoke Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions not written bespoke to your business and pulled off from a template website are not going to protect you properly. There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to contracts and terms and it is absolutely critical for the daily running of your business to have them written and presented well.

However large or small your company might be, you will appear professional, smart, efficient and ‘on the front foot’ with terms that are bespoke to you and cover every worst case scenario. Not only that, but by having terms that look professional and are easily understandable, your T’s & C’s could be the difference between winning a contract or not.

How We Work

We get to know you. We visit you. We listen and we learn. We find out what works well and what doesn’t. Next, we prepare drafts which address the relevant issues. We take you through the document, clause by clause, word by word in plain English.

Finally, we train your staff on the implementation of your documents.

Got a question? Give us a call or contact us below.

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